The objective of the activity is:

  • Get to know, through analysis, some digital activities carried out in primary education.
  • Relate these activities with the theoretical frameworks seen on "Digital activities at school"



For this activity we have chosen this four webs:

  1. Mural digital
  1. Mapes interactius 
  1. Caceres del tresor 
  1. Applets temàtics

We have paired them in this way:


The curriculum that being worked


Linguistic and audiovisual:

-Know and differentiate the different parts of the story: beginning, knot and ending.

-Understand a text with appropriate and understandable vocabulary.

-Express orally, in a structured and coherent way, ideas related to the plot of the story.

Artistic and cultural:

-Encourage imagination and creativity.

-Know, appreciate and value a cultural manifestation: the story.

-Illustrate using different techniques images corresponding to the story.


Information processing and digital competence:

-Familiarize yourself with the project website.

-Know how to navigate the web.

-Encourage the use of learning and knowledge technologies (TAC)

Learn to learn:

-Develop and promote the ability to cooperate through group work.


Autonomy and personal initiative:

-Develop curiosity about the productions of other class groups.

-Work independently within the web environment.¡

Social competence and citizenship

-Encourage attitudes of respect and tolerance towards the contributions of the group members.

-Respect the opinions of the group.

The change that it is assumed according to the SAMR model

According to the SAMR model, the project develops the Augmentation because the technology acts as a direct substitute, with functional improvement. The goals of this project are promote cooperative work between teachers and students, encourage the use of communication technologies, provide materials and resources for the study and the elaboration of a story and encourage curiosity about the productions of other class groups. So as this project is an improvement we have thought that the Augmentation is what is most worked on this activity.

The cognitive abilities that are activated according Bloom's Taxonomy for the digital era

First of all, according to Bloom's Taxonomy the principal ability that we are working with this project is to create. Doing these stories students are designing and producing an original work. Also, they analyze their work in order to organize all the information they want to put in their stories.

Identify, and briefly explain why, the types of connection (P, C, T and intersections) of the TPACK model are present in the project

The content knowledge (CK) is presented in this project because the teacher knows concepts, evidence and theories about a particular subject that in this case is catalan and knows how to apply it in class.

Pedagogical knowledge (PK) is reflected in this work because the teacher knows the different processes, methods and practices regarding teaching and learning.

Technological knowledge (TK) in this case is the most important due that describes the teacher's knowledge and ability to use various technologies, technological tools and associated resources.

Educació Primària Bilingüe
Tecnologies digitals a l'educació primària
Universitat de Lleida 
Facultat d'Educació, Psicologia i Treball Social (FEPTS)
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