The goal of this task is to prepare, individually or in pairs, the proposal for the evaluation of a school activity using digital resources . We had 3 different situations that the teacher has suggested and we had to chose one. I did the task with Anna Pujol and in our case we have chosen the situation 1.  With this situation we have had to create an activity and explain which type of assessment and evaluation we should do. 

Situation 1

You organised your students in groups of 3 to carry out a project in Natural science during the 2nd term

1. Design the activity and explain how you would carry it out

We are planning a project about natural science, specifically about recycling habits, for our 6 grade students and we think that it could be a good idea to foster the digital competence while doing it.

First of all, we will divide the class in groups of three -we also want to encourage collaborative learning- and we will do a dynamic explanation of the task using a presentation done with Prezi, because in this way, we will promote Information and Communication Technology (ICT) too. 

Next, it will be time to start working. We will suggest the pupils seek information -being free to use the different resources- about the topic and then design and create a poster with Canva which explains and promotes good recycling habits. Later, the posters will be hung around the school (it will motivate the students). Once they have finished their work, they will explain it to the rest of the class.

2. Plan and explain how the evaluation / assessment would be carried out considering that:

  • The assessment can be done at any time and with any purpose within the learning process or at different times and purposes.
  • Depending on the evaluation approach you take, you must investigate which computer applications, web tools, resources and digital materials for evaluation already developed you can adopt.
  • You must include a minimum of 2 different digital applications, resources or materials.

We will be evaluating the students during the entire project -because we think that all the learning process is important and its assessment can be done at any time- but for the final evaluation we will carry out different activities.

First of all, the pupils will have to use the digital application called Tagul in order to create a cloud of words that reflect the concepts discussed in the class about the topic: Recycling habits. In these word clouds they must write the most important ideas or terms that have caught their attention.

Later on, we will also use the application called Kahoot, in which we will have prepared different questions about the syllabus (so the students will be able to answer them). In this way, we will see if they have understood everything during the lesson.

Finally, we will ask them if they have learned about the topic, if they have enjoyed the different applications, resources and materials we have used or if they would prefer to do something different. Then, as teachers, we will improve the activity for another time.

Educació Primària Bilingüe
Tecnologies digitals a l'educació primària
Universitat de Lleida 
Facultat d'Educació, Psicologia i Treball Social (FEPTS)
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